Apparently it was updated a few times after its initial release, and later versions could run some commercial games including Final Fantasy 2. VSMC was released in 1994 and could run select few Homebrew roms.Just like NES, the SNES emulation history is quite fuzzy, but there is evidence that SNES emulators existed as early as 1994. Has information of various early NES emulators such as NESticle. Does not have much info of emulators (only lists variants of "Famicom (NES) emulator" which is likely Pasofami) instead forces on game screenshots taken from early NES emulators. Has information of Pasofami and interNES. Anyone remember the first NES emulator?.First Famicom/NES emulator? - Zophar's Domain.

It was one of the first freeware NES emulators.
NESA (Nintendo Entertainment System in Assembler) by British programmer Paul Robson was one of the first free NES emulator with source code available.The release date of first version is 1996 according to its site. Marat Fayzullin's iNES (also known as interNES in early versions) is the first (or at least one of the first) emulator to use NES header format (also known as iNES format).No release date known but likely mid to late 1990s. At least one beta version was released to the public, but discontinued after the release of NESticle. LandyNES by Alex Krasivsky, which seems became the base of iNES emulator.Pasofami for the FM Towns, with a release date of in its info file.It could run some simple NES games such as Donkey Kong.